The ladies conference went very well and we had about 45 people attend which is a big jump from the 15 who attend the weekly meetings. The theme was “Loved by God” and we certainly think they got the message. We also found they loved the ‘Pineapple story’ which is a challenging story and they could relate to it. A picture tells a thousand stories so below are some photos.
I made a silly face to make them smile and they did.
We still have a slight generational difference, especially in terms of education but God is slowly breaking down barriers. At the last meeting I asked everyone to comment about what they were learning from God and 95% were confident enough to respond which is a big step forward and an encouragement. Some of the ladies went up to the kids club (at church plant) yesterday to serve Christmas treats and give a small gift. How wonderful is that? They’re serving others.
This is where the seed was first planted in my heart last Mother’s day- the idea of teaching women about God’s love and empowering them to serve. It is almost full circle… So join me in praying that by Mother’s day 2018 (May) we can see the women’s group leaders teaching the kids club mothers. Now that is my dream… Let us see what God has planned.
Many ladies are from the Quechua speaking highlands. Very different to student ministry with modern youth.
Janet spoke about liberating your soul from past hurts and Nica helped organise the conference.
We presented each lady with a rose to bless them and help them feel loved. Gift giving is not as common as in the west.
We provided lunch and a craft for the ladies.
Ana is a faithful servant with good questions and willingness to learn. Rosa is a great spiritual leader who is now using her own examples in teaching the ladies. Pray for them.
Amanda - a beloved friend, talked about God's love for us and how we can love our spouses and families.