Take off time for Summer VBS
Next week is Vacation Bible School week here at the La Punta Baptist Church and we are expecting about 30 kids to come. What does this mean for a small church plant in Peru? It means the pastor and missionaries pull out the stops on their artistic abilities, roll up their sleeves and get working. The pastor found a great resource on-line- Galaxy Express- that has given us all the materials we need and a much needed boost to our limited program. The goal is that by the end of the week, the kids will have learned that God is Magnificient, Impressive, and Marvelous and that He wants them to Call on Him, Answer Him, Obey Him and Talk to Him. I, Mary Beth, have been practicing the songs’ dance moves. I’m sure everyone from my home town is now either laughing or has their mouth hanging open since dancing is definitely not my thing. Yes, in Peru choreography is an essential part of VBS and since neither of us can imagine the pastor doing it and Allen has talents in more pressing areas- I’m the one that has to figure out the moves. Thankfully, I have achieved some experience after 19 years on the field, and thankfully, Teah, a brilliant young lady from Canada is going to accompany us the week of VBS. Hopefully, she is also practicing her dance moves this week in the frozen north! Hopefully, we can sync up when she comes. Yesterday, Allen, the Pastor and I worked on some signs and the background. Today we made a rocket photo booth (photo booths also go with Peruvian VBS, though I can’t remember anything like that at the VBS’s of my childhood). We spray-painted some bottles to use as rocket-packs and even made some kaleidoscope ‘telescopes’ for the kids to play with while waiting for others to arrive. Hopefully by Tuesday we’ll have everything ready to go.