The Georges in Peru

Take off time for Summer VBS

23 Jan 2025

Next week is Vacation Bible School week here at the La Punta Baptist Church and we are expecting about 30 kids to come.  What does this mean for a small church plant in Peru?  It means the pastor and missionaries pull out the stops on their artistic abilities, roll up their sleeves and get working.  The pastor found a great resource on-line- Galaxy Express- that has given us all the materials we need and a much needed boost to our limited program.  The goal is that by the end of the week, the kids will have learned that God is Magnificient, Impressive, and Marvelous and that He wants them to Call on Him, Answer Him, Obey Him and Talk to Him.   I, Mary Beth, have been practicing the songs’ dance moves.  I’m sure everyone from my home town is now either laughing or has their mouth hanging open since dancing is definitely not my thing.  Yes, in Peru choreography is an essential part of VBS and since neither of us can imagine the pastor doing it and Allen has talents in more pressing areas- I’m the one that has to figure out the moves.  Thankfully, I have achieved some experience after 19 years on the field, and thankfully, Teah, a brilliant young lady from Canada is going to accompany us the week of VBS.  Hopefully, she is also practicing her dance moves this week in the frozen north!  Hopefully, we can sync up when she comes.  Yesterday, Allen, the Pastor and I worked on some signs and the background.  Today we made a rocket photo booth (photo booths also go with Peruvian VBS, though I can’t remember anything like that at the VBS’s of my childhood).  We spray-painted some bottles to use as rocket-packs and even made some kaleidoscope ‘telescopes’ for the kids to play with while waiting for others to arrive.  Hopefully by Tuesday we’ll have everything ready to go.  

Quite the Quiet House now!

09 Jan 2025

Tuesday, Paul and four friends left our home for Arequipa, marking the end of Christmas break for us.  It was great having all of the kids and significant others here except for Sarah and Zach, who were with his parents this year.

Ben brought his girlfriend, Sofi, from Germany/Chicago/Argentina and Mia brought her boyfriend, Rafa, from Romania.

We treated them to pizza from the pizza oven a couple of nights!

For the first time since we've started having church in La Punta, I didn't play the piano!  Rafa did!  He's an amazing pianist!

Church Anniversary

17 Sep 2024

The first weekend of September our church exploded with people, jumping from the usual 20 to around 70 in attendence.  Why?  The church anniversary.  

Church anniversaries are an integral part of churches here in Peru and usually pretty big celebrations with visitors from other churches and food prepared for after the services.


Several people from our church have asked us over the last two years “When we can have a church beach day?”… Well, what better way to celebrate our anniversary than by taking everyone to the beach!?  We prayed for sunshine and started planning.  Friday evening we had a movie night, Saturday a beach day while our Arequipa invited guests began arriving, Saturday night a special church service and Sunday morning an even more special church service with food afterwards. 



All in all it was a great success!  ...and a lot of work.  Oof!  Thankfully though, this year Pastor Elvis and Rosita took care of the main meal and divvied out the making of the side dishes between willing church members.  That meant all we had to do was make the cakes and host.  Even though we had only about half the number of Arequipa guests as last year, we doubled our local guests and even had a few family members of regular attendees come for the first time!  I also realised how much our kids program has grown over this past year.  Praise the Lord!


The Misty Mystery

27 Aug 2024

This week it misted for 2 nights and a day! You might not think this such a big deal, but the ladies that meet weekly at our house did! The meeting was canceled due to the ‘rain’ and we heard stories of people’s struggles thoughout the rest of the week. We live near the Atacama desert. Most have heard of the Sahara desert, but did you know that the Atacama is even drier? The mist our town received this week added up to about 1cm which is more than we’ve seen cumulatively since arriving here two years ago even though it’s cloudy and humid most of the winter.

So what does one do when it rains?  Everyone had buckets out to catch the drips, some had to empty theirs quite often! We also had buckets on our ‘roof’ which is really a half-open 3rd floor where do our laundry, hang our clothes and have a little shop bench. There is a spot where the roof comes together tilting inward on both sides with a drain pipe in between which doesn’t necessarily catch all the run off so we put out buckets to reduce the need for mopping. We look at it and say, ‘Bad design!’, but who cares when it only rains once a year!?

Here there's no street drainage so we got puddles!

Felines and Felons

13 Aug 2024

You think today's politicians are weird?  My life is weird.  This afternoon I was cleaning cat poop off of the flat Sunday School room roof where neighbor cats like to do their dirty business.  I suspect it hasn't been cleaned in the 20 years since our house was built.  One has to climb up with a ladder and one can't see it easily, so I can understand why it's not been cleaned before.  When I was nearly done sweeping up enought to fill a five-gallon bucket I got a call from a number I didn't recognize.  I usually don't answer such calls, but I'm expecting an important call from the municipality, so I answered it.  It turned out to be Juan*, a man who has been coming to church lately.  He came to church late on Sunday because he had been fighting with his half-siblings about who owns their house and the police had to break it up.  Today he called saying he was locked up at the police station along with his half-siblings and he was hungry.  Could I buy him 6 bananas, a kg of oranges and two daily specials from a restaurant?  I pointed out to Juan that all the restaurants in our town were closed by 4:30 pm, but I could still bring him the fruit and we'd find him some food. Mary Beth quickly cooked him up some chicken to put with our leftover rice and cornbread and we walked to the police station.  "Hi.  We hear you have Juan locked up and we brought him some food."  We've been in town long enough now, we didn't even have to say who we were or prove we weren't smuggling him any weapons.  They led us back to find Juan in a very austere cell with just a foam mat on the floor.  Juan insisted on paying us for the food, but we told him to keep his money for now as something might come up that he'll need money for before he gets out tomorrow.  Pray he and his siblings can learn to get along!  Weird.


Don't call us, we'll call you!

13 Jul 2024

I've had a hernia since September of 2023.  We've gone to Arequipa twice before to get it operated on but the surgeon didn't have the needed equipment.  We changed surgeons and finally, after our third trip to Arequipa, I finally got it fixed.  Yay! Please pray for an uneventful recovery.

The day after surgery, I was doing my devotions and the passage for the day was 2 Chronicles 21.  Back then, even if you were king, having a hernia could mean dying a horrible death:

2 Chronicles 21:18-19 After all this, the Lord afflicted Jehoram with an incurable disease of the bowels.  In the course of time, at the end of the second year, his bowels came out because of the disease, and he died in great pain. 

I'm happy to be living now and not 2800 years ago in Israel! 

I was bemused by the location of the nurse call button!  It is impossible to access as a post-op hernia patient without getting out of bed.  I needed the nurse once and called her on my cell phone.  It's a new hospital.  Still working out the kinks.

Special Connections

25 May 2024

The obvious highlight of our trip to North America was spending time with the family celebrating Sarah’s graduation, it was a huge blessing to all be in one place for the 2nd time this year!  We even got to see Zach’s parents who came out from Niger for the occasion.  


Another highlight for me was spending some time in Manitoba.  We haven’t been back in 2 years and I was missing it tremendously so it was good to get that bug out of my system.  


One thing I was really looking forward to about the trip to Canada was seeing my new nephew Jed, so I was sad to find out a few weeks before we left that my brother and his wife were going to be on a missions trip with their church to Brazil that week.  


I’ve been learning from 2nd Corinthians lately about God’s comfort and was super blessed to experience it in real life when our paths ‘just so happened’ to meet on our ways back home.  Our planes landed in Miami within minutes of each other and Allen and I were able to deke out of International Departures for a few minutes to say 'Hi' before flying on to Lima.  Words cannot express the joy, not only from seeing Jed, but from the confirmation of God’s care and thoughtfulness for our hearts' desires.




Dr. Davis!

06 May 2024

Friday, we attended Sarah's graduation from medical school in Chicago!  She will be doing a residency in Emergency Medicine in Chicago starting next month.  Zach is postponing graduation, doing research in pyschiatry, with the plan to start residency in psychiatry next year.  

She got to help take care of her first emergency patient on Sunday morning!  Sarah, Ben, Mia and I (Allen) went out for a chilly, breezy (it is the Windy City after all!) run on the waterfront before church.  On the way home, we saw a man slump forward in his wheelchair on the sidewalk.  We stopped and approached him, "Sir!  Are you okay?"  He didn't respond more than an agonized breath.  We flagged down a police car which stopped.  "Do you have Narcan®?" Sarah asked.  "No, we're coming back from a parade."  "I need to start carrying Narcan," Sarah remarked.  A policeman looked in the man's pocket and pulled out a little ziplock bag with a cut off straw in it.  "What's that?" I asked naively.  "They snort heroin out of these little baggies."  The man's breathing was really slow, depressed by the heroin, just taking 2 or 3 per minute.  Fortunately,  after about 5 minutes, a policeman with Narcan arrived and gave the man a squirt in the nostril.  "This will amaze you," I told Ben who was watching the whole event.  Narcan (Naloxone) is a drug that blocks the receptors that opiods like heroin activate.  If you block the receptor, the drugs lose their effect.  In 30 seconds the man suddenly came to life, moving around and agitated, and most importantly, breathing! 

Later, on our way to Ben's house near Taylorville, IL, we stopped to buy some gas and the gas station had a box of Narcan nasal spray, freely provided by the Illinois government for anyone who wanted it.  We each took one.  

A successful EBdV!!

18 Feb 2024

What is EBdV you may ask?  It is 'Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones' or 'Vacation Bible School' in English!  Last Tuesday through Friday, from 3 to 6 pm each afternoon, we put on a program based on the Old West with a sheriff, outlaws, horse-shoes and branding.  My prayer before the event was that we wouldn't have too many or too few kids participate and God answered those prayers, as we had 10-20 kids each day!  It was exhausting doing all the decorating, learning lines for sketches and organizing games, crafts, choreography and Bible studies.  By the end, even the most sullen, uninterested kids were jumping up and down excitedly!  It's a good thing Mary Beth and I have a good marriage, as preparing such a thing in one's church (which is also our house) was a stressful event!

Why do we have to learn these scientific names?

09 Oct 2023

When I was in 9th grade, we learned about birds in Mr. Brogie's science class.  We also had to learn the scientific names of the common birds in Nebraska.  "Why do we have to learn scientific names?" I asked.  John Chace, a year older and wiser than me, responded, "Well, if you are speaking to someone from a foreign country and you say, 'Barn owl,' he won't understand you, but if you use the scientific name, 'Tyto alba,' he will.  I definitely felt that that was a contrived response and John was probably repeating what he had been told when he asked a similar question back when he was an impressionable 9th grader.  Really? Is reaching an impasse with someone over a bird's name ever going to happen?  Hardly.

Fast forward 42 years, I am at the local bird sanctuary in Peru and we meet up with Michael, the ranger at a bird lookout.  "See anything interesting?"  "Los willets han vuelto (the Willets are back)," I tell Michael.  Blank stare from Michael. I wished I had known its scientific name!  I described it a bit and he taught me its Spanish name 'Playero de ala blanca' and said 'Tringa semipalmata'.  He clearly knew the value of scientific names!  Then he asked if we had seen any Tyto albas.  That was a scientific name I remembered!  A barn owl!  "Yes, we have!" I said, proudly showing him a picture Mary Beth took of one a month ago.  He was duly impressed and even gave us his phone number asking us to let him know if we saw another one!


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